Thursday, July 24, 2008

Groovin down at the RMV

I spent two hours today at the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, trying to renew my license. Due to some computer snafu, I got to have my case reviewed by a manager, a supervisor and two different people at the phone-in help desk. It was super-duper fun.

To pass the time, I adopted the habit of my four-year-old niece, who sings about everything she does. Putting on her bathing suit, going to the name it, she sings about it. Today, my song went something like this:

I'm sitting at the RMV...
(bump, bump, bump, bump)
Gonna move my family back to Maine with me...

My new license expires in five years, at which point I'll have to go back to that wonderful office to renew it. Or I can leave the state, and never go back there again. Guess which option I'm planning on? Steve and I have always talked about wanting to move north someday, to the town in Maine where I grew up (which has the nicest RMV you can imagine) Now that talk has a time frame!


mslizalou said...

I had to go to the DMV in Nashville. It was me and tons of people that didn't speak English all in line. All I needed to do was renew with an address change. I was there for over 2 hours. Now I can renew on-line, even with an address change. They keep digital pictures in the computer so everything is much easier.

Sarakastic said...

In my state we only go to the office every 10 years & then just mail in money. So my 10th year was up last month & I was kinda glad because my previous picture looked like i was sneezing

xxxx said...

I was there for an hour yesterday and I thought THAT was bad. TWO?!? I would move. For sure.

Anonymous said...

my license expired last year, but i was too lazy to wait in line so i just did my renewal online which was unfortunate because i really need a new picture! :)

happy friday!

Patti said...

in texas we can renew online every other time. how great is that?!

Susie said...

Oh no, I have to renew mine soon. Sooo not looking forward to it! Last time the woman called the other staff over and they were literally on the floor laughing at my old picture. So I was an awkward 16 year old...rub it in a little bit more!

Hmmm good to know about Maine!

Stacy said...

Party at the RMV! When you have that many employees around you, it just means that you are a really big deal and they are all just hoping for the courage to ask for your autograph. ;)

L Sass said...

Oh fabulous bureaucracy!

When I got my license changed to NYS, it required about 75,000 pieces of paperwork, but if you had everything in order, it was as easy as can be!

(Can't say the staff was pleasant, though.)

Holly Kennedy said...

Here's one for you...
My license went missing last year so I had it renewed, and guess where I found the original 4 months later?

Glued into a collage of one of my son's school projects (he got 91% on it so that helped somewhat!!!!)

John Robison said...

After waiting in line for several hours, you begin to marvel at how rare registry shootings are, given the provocation.

I think those places would run a lot more efficiantly if they paid those people for performance and customer satisfaction.


LEstes65 said...

Post your license picture. Mine looks like a prison matron. Or someone shown on the news with the words "armed and dangerous".