My sister and niece came to visit this weekend. My niece is five, and very sparkly. She's a girl who loves adventure. She's also a girl who knows what she wants. We went to the Boston Aquarium, where after 30 minutes of fighting her little way through the crowds to see Myrtle the Turtle and Sebastian the Shark, she looked up at us and said, "Can we go home and put on jammies now?" It was 3:30.
What's even funnier is that when asked which creature she liked the best at the Aquarium, she raved about Clancy... the Golden Retriever we met out on the sidewalk as we made our way home.
In grown up highlights, we found a FABULOUS new game called Bananagrams. We didn't find it, actually--it was a gift from our favorite Midwesterners who were in town on Friday. It's amazingly fun, but also (for me at least) mortifying. While playing with Steve and my sister, I had these brilliant moments:
"I could add LE to TURD and make...TURDLE!"
Then later:
"I can win this game! I've got all the letters I need to spell HURDS!"
Yep. Hurds of Turdles.
My sister's response? "Wow--your editor has her work cut out for her..."
I love that your niece wants to put on jammies at 3:30 in the afternoon. I would live in mine if possible.
I took my nephew to the zoo once. He RAVED about all the gates but wasn't so interested in the animals!
I was always disappointed in the zoo because there wasn't popcorn there. I loved the movies though.
Just remind your sister that the game brings out the creative spark in you! *G*
Love it.. Sounds like my daughter. :)
Your niece sounds awesome.
LOL!!!! So cute!!!
i am all about the jammies. i've got like 12 pairs of pajama pants! :)
Your sister made me laugh! And when we were in Boston recently, we spent 45 mins on line to get in. After the boys saw the sharks, they were pretty set and ready to head out. After the dough I shelled out? Nuh UH. We stayed but I eventually gave in because I hate crowds. And darn - the retriever wasn't there!!
My mom has this game but I've not yet played it--now I must make a point of it.
If I'd come up with 'Hurds and Turdles', my family would never (NEVER) have let me live it down. We can remember one tiny slip-up for YEARS.
I'm heading to my oldest niece's 5th birthday party tonight... supposedly donning princess attire... we'll see if I can pull that off.
Is your niece a Cancer? I've had that "I want to go home now" feeling so many times, in so many places that are supposed to be fun and exciting, that I have to ask.
Wait, were you at BlogHer??? Why didn't I see you?!! Was excited to meet!
Hahahaha!!! I love that it took me reading "turdle" twice before seeing a serious problem.
Perhaps I should rethink this whole writing business.
My sister paid a gazillion dollars for a family membership to the Atlanta Aquarium. The only things her kids like are the escalators and red velvet cupcakes.
Man I wish I had the ability to suggest jammies at 3:30 in the afternoon. Life would be SO much better.
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