I found Don Miller's new blog after hearing through the grapevine that he had a new puppy. There's not much that provides better blog material than canine hijinks, so naturally, I had to check it out. I got more than I expected, in the best possible way. His most recent post, about how friends of his started a neighborhood New Year's Day parade because their kids were bored and whiny, was too fabulous not to share. Enjoy!
(If it weren't garbage day here on my street, I'd be tempted to round up my neighbors right now...)
This got me thinking about THAT DOG'S first parade. It was Memorial Day, and a certain former President with a summer residence in my hometown was slated to speak when the parade stopped in the town square. THAT DOG was about five months old, and I'd brought her with me to "socialize" her (which is dogspeak for "do your best to make sure your puppy doesn't freak out around strangers." That I ever thought this necessary seems hysterical to me now.)
Right before the President's speech, THAT DOG made a lighting-fast move on a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup dropped from a passing toddler's hand. Before I could stop her, it was gone; she licked her chops and looked at me as if to say, "What? She dropped it...it was fair game..."
Chocolate is poison to dogs. I freaked out, trying frantically to calculate the ratio of chocolate to peanut butter in an RPC, wishing I'd paid some sort of attention in high school math class (or science class, or any class that teaches you how to eject swallowed food from a living creature's body), and watching THAT DOG for signs of convulsions.
I needn't have worried. As it turns out, THAT DOG is built for culinary danger. Her digestive system is essentially just one long tube passing from one end of her to the other. Four minutes later--just as the President began his speech--THAT DOG assumed the position...and deposited the peanut butter cup (along with whatever else was in her) in the middle of the town square.
It was her first (and thusfar only) act of political protest.
How about you--have you ever been in (or disrupted) a parade?
I have never been in or disrupted a parade, but that an awesome story! That's a pretty strong showing of political protest!
Did the former president in question deserve the protest?
I took my non-social dog to the Ocean City Doo Dah parade, which is -- I kid you not -- a basset hound parade. Solution to the non-social? I put her in a front pack, and she watched with me: http://downtheshorewithjen.blogspot.com/2008/04/doo-dah-doo-dah.html
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