Friday, February 06, 2009

Thinking Long Term

I meant to put up a new post yesterday, but I kept seeing the bit about Gladys and it made me laugh so hard I couldn't think of anything else to write. Steve and I agree that at some point, we're going to get a puppy or a fish or a gerbil and name it Gladys, so we'll think daily of this woman. "I love Jesus, but I drink a little..." Priceless.

(Okay, I'm pretty sure we won't get a gerbil. Rodents gross me out.)

I'm reading this book right now, which is a pretty amazing piece of work. The author, Caroline Knapp, lived here in Cambridge. When I first discovered her writing I was thrilled about this, and immediately began plotting ways to meet her. You can imagine my sadness to discover that she died several years ago, at the age of 42. But as glum as this made me--when you read a memoir, and then discover the person is no longer with us, it's a bit like losing a friend-- I was astonished by the productivity in her life, and how her work has outlived her. She has four books still in print. (And one you can get for $19 from "certain sellers" on Amazon). That's impressive.

So what's my point in telling you this? I'm not sure, exactly. Except perhaps that Gladys and Caroline have me thinking about what makes life--however much of it we have--work. I think a key for me is keeping a sense of humor, and building towards something that matters on most days. (Last night I attempted to make meatloaf for dinner, and I'm counting it in both categories.)

What would you add to the list?


Abby Green said...

A sermon I heard last week had a wonderful quote that has left me thinking a lot along similar lines, "Today doesn't have to be a carbon copy of yesterday"...I love that thought...getting out of routine, seeing what more is out there, spontaneity, striving for something bigger...

Stacy said...

We don't get to hear about the meatloaf?

The book sounds interesting.

Jane said...

I have an awesome recipe for meatloaf....even the kids will eat it!

j said...

Rodents are super sick. I'm so glad we agree. I think I'd have to add music to the list.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

I suspect a sense of humor could get you through just about anything. Especially if paired with a meatloaf. Congrats on your achievement! :)