Monday, March 23, 2009

The Flash

So I'm walking into the Mall the other day to buy an assortment of unfun but necessary things, and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. You see, I've been trying to be more careful with what I eat, and it seemed to be paying off--I could feel my jeans hanging low on my hips, fitting in an entirely different way than they did the last time I'd worn them. As I got close to the door, it actually felt like my pants might fall off, which seemed bizarre--I mean, how much weight could I have lost in one week? Still though, there was a bit of a happy saunter to my step.

Then I saw my reflection in the door. My pants felt like they were practically falling off because they were COMPLETELY UNDONE. The hook & eye thing at my waist had unhooked, the zipper was down, and the only thing that kept the whole world from knowing what came between me and my Calvins is the fact that I had my t-shirt tucked in under my sweater.

When I fastened my jeans (which is REALLY hard to do subtly in a mall parking lot in front of the door) they fit exactly the way they did before.


LarramieG said...

Now THAT is funny! LOL

Abby Green said...

this is going to be my new favorite story for a loooong time!!!

Gretchen said...

TOTALLY something I would do. To wit: I used to wear tights. I had on a gorgeous red skirt (knee length)in the middle of winter. I used the ladies' room on my way out the door to work. I felt a bit of a draft as I was changing trains and reached behind me to find I had tucked my skirt into my tights, for all the world to see. Good thing my tights were black!

Sarakastic said...

If it makes you feel any better I thought I was looking fiiinnne yesterday. I had forgotten that it was super windy, I was reminded of that fact in the church parking lot where I had a major Marilyn moment. My solution was to grab the excess skirt in my hand & then hobble across the parking lot.

himmiefan said...

Trish, I sooo sympathize. Last year, I was walking with purpose towards the grocery store and reached up out of habit to fiddle with my necklace pendant. Well, wouldn't you know it, my turtleneck sweater was on backwards!! I high-tailed it back to the car, found an empty parking lot, and re-did my sweater. I sure hope there weren't any security cameras in that lot!

Stacy said...

I'm sure in some culture, finding your pants unfastened is a sign that the diet gods will smile upon you and give you a couple months of weight loss.

Krissy said...

How can we not love you when you tell us a story like that? Totally something that would happen to me... totally made my day.

Allie said...

I love it! I've had similar moments with jeans, although never quite so potentially embarrassing. "My gosh, my jeans feel so big - perhaps I've lost weight!" Then I wash them, and they go back to exactly how they were.

LEstes65 said...

OH MY GOODNESS! This is beautiful. Thank you for being imperfect and willing to share. Oh man you SLAY me! I'm still laughing from this one.

Anonymous said...


That's awesome.
