Friday, June 27, 2008

(Not so) deep thoughts

I saw singer-songwriter Brooke Fraser in concert last night. Two observations:

1. She's an amazing lyricist. If you like Sheryl Crow, Indigo Girls, or that sort of sound (you know, musings about life and love) she's worth checking out.

2. The return of the skinny jean is an unfortunate thing for the males of our species. Really, it's just painful...


Unknown said...

I absolutely love her. where did you see her???

L Sass said...

I need to check her out now that my love for the Indigo Girls has been officially reignited.

Unknown said...

what about the bangles? do they count? :)

happy friday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the music recommendation...I'm always looking for new stuff to listen to. She actually reminds me a bit of Alanis Morisette in an odd way that I'm not sure wold make any sense to anyone but me. (Maybe it's the long oval face and flowing brown hair?)
And regarding the jeans, I thought I'd let you know that I learned a new piece of slang at work yesterday related to the skinny jean trend: "camel toes". yikes!

Allie said...

Hooray!!! I love Brooke Fraser - she's one of my favourite singers - and I'm so stoked to hear she's being heard in the States.

But I have to agree... skinny jeans, eugh.

j said...

Yuck. Skinny jeans should be burned.

Rachel H. said...

Sounds great...Hope you had a great weekend!

xxxx said...

I love all of that kind of music ... I will have to check her out!

And skinny jeans ... BAD idea for EVERYONE!

Paige Jennifer said...

The only upside to a man in skinny jeans is the tight factor probably limits his reproductive ability. And no man donning skinny jeans should be legally permitted to reproduce. I'm just saying.