It's been an amazing book tour. Truly more than I could have imagined, in so many ways. And I'm happy to say, it ended on as great a note as it started:
On Thursday night, I was in Princeton NJ with an amazing group of women. I was there because of the fun invitation of my friend A.J. She and I met at the Festival of Faith & Writing in April, and she became my hero almost immediately.

And many thanks to Mary, the director of Women's Ministry at Westerly Road Church where we gathered that night. She and her spectacular team threw a great, fun event and it was a honor to be part of it. I'm so glad I have Oscar as a fun memento!

On Saturday night, I was back here in Cambridge for the final night of the tour. Unfortunately, however, blogger won't let me download anymore pictures, so I'll have to tell you all about it in my next post. Let's just say it was the ONLY event to feature sushi, Korean BBQ, funny Chinese immigration tales and a chef with 1,000 names...
Now, I'm off to clean the accumulated crud out of the toothbrush holder. It's the glamorous life, for me!
Yayyy! Congratulations on a great book tour and WELCOME HOME!
as fun as it is to get away (and on a book tour no less), i'm sure it feels good to be back. :)
toothbrush holder crud should be outlawed. nasty stuff!
Sounds like a great trip, but I know that you are so happy to be home for awhile. Where do you go next?
I've been exhausted just reading about your book tour! Hope you get a break now!
Home, sweet home! What an amazing blessing! We're so proud of you and praise the Lord for His protection throughout this tour. We love you!
I want a glamorous life like YOU! That is to say, I want to find time to clean my house.
Welcome home, hon. Can't wait to see you in a little over a month!
YAY For home! And I'm so jealous that you get to have a FROGGY collection now that will mean something very special to you in your life!
I have a cute frog outside of my front door. I should have brought him on our road trip!!!
Now it's time to start writing that second book--any idea which type of amphibian will grace the cover of that book? Hmmm, did I use the word grace in this post? That was a definite symbolistic faux pas. hee hee.
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