Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This Week So Far

Today I give you: Random Thoughts at Noontime!

*A hawk ate a pigeon in our driveway yesterday. There were feathers everywhere. The snow is no longer white, but spotted pink. (This was better than last year, when I found FEET in the backyard as I walked THAT DOG.  Apparently, Hawks don't eat toes.)

*After seeing the aftermath of the pigeon picnic, I came inside to discover that THAT DOG had, at the nimble age of 17, climbed on the kitchen table, pulled/pushed a ceramic bowl & a full bag of pita down on the floor, hopped around the shards of broken ceramic to eat the pita...and then pooped on the floor. More activity than she's had in the past six months.

*Valentine's Day is Thursday.  Ugh. Such a strange holiday, ostensibly devoted to love and yet it leaves almost everyone feeling less so that they had the day before.  Not good, Hallmark. Not good.

*I'd hoped the new edition of He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not would be out this week, to counteract the stress of V-Day and coincide with the start of Lent (wait until you see the new cover. It's So. Very. Awesome!) but alas, things are running a bit behind.  Soon, though :)

1 comment:

essay best said...

Such a stupid blog. I don't understand what really you are trying to say and what is the concept behind this post. Kindly do improve the selection of your topic. Thanks