Anyway, I'm terrible at leaving her. I imagine her sulking off in a corner, spending every moment pining for us and wondering why we abandoned her. The truth? I suspect that at this very moment she's following a small child across the living room, hoping a cookie will crumble. She'll have a happy week of scarfing down wayward goldfish crackers and scraps of PBJ's. I think she'll be okay :)
Here are some pics from the two signings this weekend. How do I love bookstores? Let me count the ways...First, the amazing display created by the Harvard Coop:

And me signing a book for my Dad at the Borders in South Portland, Maine.

This was a funny moment. You see, I gave my parents a copy (if you've read the book, you know that they've earned it...) But being the awesome, supportive Dad that he is, he bought another copy. He had me to sign it "To Whom It May Concern," because he can't imagine which of his fishing buddies--he's a retired lobsterman--he's going to give a book about how his daughter sorted out her love life. Can you imagine that conversation??? Makes me laugh, just thinking about it...
Here's the incredible Borders staff: Stephanie, Craig and Shanna. I ADORE them. If you're ever in Maine, stop by and say hello--they're fun folks to know :)

Next stop: Borders in Bailey's Crossroads, VA-- Tuesday night @ 7:30.
I was at bailey's crossroads today and saw your book - it has an amazing display in the front, there are dozens of them that greet you right when you walk in! I was so excited to see them. (My husband, too - he was like, is that really the same Trish Ryan who leaves comments on your blog!?!)
Well, based on what I know, you seem like an awfully likable person. So, it's no surprise you bring out the best of people. Glad your travels are so much fun (as well as work).
And I just put up the announcement that B is the winner of the book at Manic Mommy!
I get separation anxiety when I leave my dogs ;)
have a blast...your dad's a riot!
xox d
"To Whom It May Concern"?? Ha! I'm still giggling...
It looks like you are having so much fun! What an exciting time in your life and what a great Dad. Parents are awesome! And they definitely support you when you need them. I know they must be so proud.
Sounds like THAT DOG is in excellent hands. :-)
That was really sweet of your dad. I'm sure he'll find the right person to give your book to.
Wishing you all the best for your tour! I'm so excited for you!
Awww I wish I had known sooner that you were going to be at the Coop. I've been such a horrible blog reader lately, I am NOT on top of things.
DEF let me know the next time you're reading in the are and I WILL be there. Hope it went really well!! And congrats!!
SO so so happy for you. I'm happy to report that one of the Borders I went to on Saturday (in my quest to "face" your book in all of the Austin area) only had 1 copy left. Which I bought for my friend that was with me. When we searched for your book on the computer, she left it up on the screen saying, "I'm leaving it up so the next person looking for a book has to see that fabulous cover first!" So now you have TWO Texas publicity reps.
So! Exciting!! How I wish New England wasn't so freakin' far away!! Seriously!
"To Whom It May Concern"
Your dad is awesome.
so excited to go to your reading in DC tomorrow! well...nova...not really dc. :)
That Dog is acclimating nicely. That Dog has been walked in fresh air and sunshine, has been doted upon by That Nephew, was checked on every ten minutes for an hour past bedtime by That Niece (aka our Director of Canine Guest Services), and has scored a variety of choice morsels from our floor buffet. She and That Other Much Bigger Dog have cheerfully joined in several duets in telling off noisy neighbors and trespassing squirrels. That Dog's afternoon has consisted thus far of napping in the sunshine at the back door and watching 101 Dalmatians with That Niece.
There was a brief adjustment period -- including an hour last evening of her staring at me intensely, trying to morph me into you using the power of her thoughts -- but trust me, That Dog's got her groove back now and is digging country life. :)
Any readings in Cali coming up??? I love that your dad BOUGHT a book and had you sign it for a fishing buddy... that is just TOO cute!!! Makes me want to read your book all the more... I have got to get myself to Boarders! :-)
how fun! and so exciting! that is SO sweet of your dad! :)
Just like Eileen Cook, you have a V(ery) P(roud) F(ather) as he should be!
Travel safe and enjoy the week, Trish.
Oh my goodness - your sister's update on That Dog killed me!
These are great photos! Hope your tour keeps going well. Congrats, congrats, congrats.
I'm certainly hoping to see you in Philadelphia tomorrow night! I'm glad the dog is in great hands.
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