This feels like a bit of a full-circle moment, as the Coop was one of the places I came to all the time when I first moved to Cambridge, when I was sorting out the scraps of my life and not sure what to do with the long hours of every day. I didn't have job, or a plan. But I had THAT DOG, and enough money to buy a small cup of coffee.
At least three times a week, THAT DOG and I would walk to Harvard Square to "fly the Coop," as I jokingly called it (when you're alone a lot, it's amazing how funny you think your own little sayings are...) THAT DOG would prance in like she owned the place, head held high, ignoring the outreached hands of small toddlers who squeeled, "doggie! doggie! doggie!" as we passed by. We'd head up the spiral staircase, around past all the rows of novels I longed to read, and up to the third floor. In those days, even THAT DOG knew that the self-help section was where I needed to be...she waited patiently for hours as the two of us sat in the window seat overlooking the square, me searching for answers, her keeping an eye on the action down below.
Tonight, I'll be up on the third floor of The Coop again, talking about the answers I finally found. I won't have THAT DOG with me (partly because she steals focus, but mostly because I'm afraid someone will feed her one of the Hersey's Kisses I'll be passing out and she'll leave something unfortunate on the carpet) but still, it will feel like a homecoming, in a bookstore I love.
If you're a Cambridge/Boston-area blogger, come on by!
What a thrill! I remember meeting you at the Coop for a cup of coffee once when I first moved to Boston :) I hope it goes well...and can you bring the cake up here tomorrow?!
Hey, congrats! Since there was a man-hole explosion in Harvard Sq. this morning, there will be tons of media there covering the story. Maybe you can stand in the background waving a copy of the book. Get some local broadcast coverage, increase sales, etc.!!!
(you know me, always thinking about the media)
Trish! You've been having lots of great memory-making moments this week! Wish I lived closer to help you celebrate. :) Thankfully, someone brought cake to work last night so I'll just pretend I was celebrating with you.
You know, I might come. There's a monthly poetry event that I tend to be at the first Friday of every month, but this month I'm sort of skipping out.
The Coop allows dogs? Really? Oh the things I never knew! As a teenager, I'd go to the Coop often because my parents work at Harvard and we were always looking for things to do! In college, I worked at a Structure (now, Express Men) down the street, across from the Charles Hotel. Those were the days!
ho;y smokes i've missed a lot here...and it all looks fantastic!
Congrats! I hope it goes well and can't wait to see you in NYC on the 21st!
Is it wrong that I kinda want to move into that bookstore?
I wish I could be there. Have loads of fun!
Sounds amazing!! Hey can I get the book at a Barnes and Noble or Borders? Or just Amazon? After reading Nilsa's review, I am so excited to read it!
Oh I wish I could be there! *sigh*
I just discovered your blog. :) Good luck with the book!
What a lovely Homecoming, Trish, as your dreams continue to come true!
I have my copy, got it tonight at Barnes and Noble :o).
I'll post with pictures so you can see what your book looked like on the shelf in Brookfield Wisconsin -- probably Monday for the post.
Have Fun!
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