Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He's just that into her

Right now, as I type this blog post, there are two raccoons up on the three-story house across the street...balanced on top of the chimney...making the next generation of raccoons. It's like some bizarre, pay-per-view circus act. I mean, not only are they working without a net, they're perched over a 110ft. shoot that will plunge them into a fiery furnace if they slip. Yikes.

I called my sister, because she's the nature lover in the family (the only girl I know who did her bridal registry at L.L.Bean) She offered a different perspective: Valentine's Day is coming up, she said. Maybe watching the sun rise over the Boston skyline is the new "it" date in the romantic lives of small city mammals?

She has a point. The view must be spectacular. (Do you think they saw one of those articles about "keeping it hot" and took things a bit too literally?) And I thought the squirrel was strange...


Myowne said...

Wow...that's funny. The other day I saw a big black cat and a little gray cat getting it on on the fence encircling my backyard. That too was a circus act with the whole balancing thing but they weren't balancing over fire so I guess that's a little better. I could have done without the show, though. Spring is in the air, though the love being shown didn't seem to be mutual. Gray cat didn't like being pinned apparently.

Stacy said...

You have so many nature stories for someone who lives in the Boston area. I can't imagine what you'd witness if you lived in the country. Moose ballet, perhaps? :)

Allie said...

Sigh, so funny - I wish we had squirrels here :)

mslizalou said...

Thanks for the laugh. I haven't seen any animals lately, but we have at least one or two cats near my home that like to make lots of noise early in the morning.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

Sounds like one of those situations where you don't really want to look but you can't look away.

We nurtured caterpillars into butterflies at our house, and I knew it was time to set them free when one suspended itself upside down up against another. Very educational...