Monday, August 31, 2009

Things I'm happy about today

Little stuff that seems worth noting:

We have oceans of birds migrating across our yard. I can't even exaggerate how many there are because I couldn't count that high if I tried. It's like they come through in waves of 1,000 or so. It's bizarre and beautiful and something else I can't quite describe that probably has to do with awe.

We watched BEE MOVIE this weekend (sound warning for those of you reading this in a place where a loud link would be awkward). Unexpectedly funny. I love that Jerry Seinfeld did something so unlike what I'd expect from him. His hysterical tutorial about the importance of bees to society (along with the bird exodus I mentioned above) make me remember that God orchestrates life on a much grander scale than I'm aware of. If he thought up migration and pollination, I can probably trust him to work out the details of my life dilemmas.

And I had a great conversation with my agent this morning about new perspectives for book #3, and the restorative benefits of time in the country.

Oh! And the frog is mostly eaten. Still some bits of garnish on the plate, but I'm not sure they're required. It's good to be frog-free

All in all, life on this Monday is complicated and unexpected, but moving toward something entirely other than what I could have a good way. And at least it's not dull :)

How about you? What are you happy about today?

1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

I am happy that the simple act of uploading your updated resume can result in a flood of job offers. Most of which don't apply to my skills. But it's nice to feel wanted.