I baked yesterday, for the first time in...well, ever. Steve didn't know what he wanted for his birthday, didn't want a big present so soon after Christmas, didn't want a cake that would make us both feel icky. And as much as I adore his easy-going "it's no big deal" nature, I come from a family where birthdays are a VERY big deal, and was having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to wrap all those didn'ts in sparkly paper to create the birthday extravaganza he deserves.
I was inspired by Beck, whose husband makes these fabulous cakes for their kids (scroll down a bit on her post and check out the pictures). I thought and thought, going through our cupboards to figure out what I could make that might be like that. Then suddenly, it occurred to me: I could make Steve the oatmeal cookies he's been begging for since September of 2005. Oatmeal cookies might not sound like a birthday delight to everybody, but this is my mother's special recipe, handed down from her grandmother or some such thing. We don't have many of those revered-for-generations things in my family (there is a three-part Korean obscenity my Mom learned in her first secretarial job that she taught to sis and I, that we are passing on to my niece and nephew, but that isn't something one can decorate for a Birthday) but this cookie recipe is spectacular.
Anyway...I trotted off to the store (uphill, both ways) because Steve had the car yesterday, and bought oats. Let me tell you, there are few things in the store less exciting to buy than oats. But I love this man, so there I was. I won't bother to describe my frustration at the self-checkout line; suffice to say I was ready to tuck the oats under my arm like a football, throw $5 at the customer service desk, and flee the building.
I got home, rolled up my sleeves, measured, mixed, poured, and smushed. Then I rolled out the dough and created 32 of the most beautiful oatmeal cookies on the planet. I had dough left over. A lot of it. Then, inspiration struck again, and I created Steve's birthday masterpiece - TA DA! Oatmeal Man was born!!!
This is what you get in my house when you say you don't know what you want for your birthday :)
Awwww! How sweet! You never know...you could be onto a new superhero for the toddler set.
Duh duh duh da....Oatmeal Man. Full of fiber, packed with goodness, able to lower cholesterol in a single spoonful...
I hope he was duly appreciated!
Happy Birthday to your guy!
Fun! I'd call you a smart cookie, but that's too cheesy even for me :) I love oatmeal cookies.
Dude, that is AWESOME. And that cookie guy? His face has personality. That's just creepy.
You and I need to figure out how to make a chocolate chess pie man. That would rock!
PS - I want that family recipe of yours. I'll trade you my chocolate chess pie recipe...
My kids adore oatmeal cookies. Me too, but not these days. Damn diet.
By the way, very cute picture below. And a big happy b-day to your handsome hubby;))
Oatmeal cookies are yummy...but it's gotta have raisins. You did put raisins in them, right?
I used to make cookie pizzas with my kids when they were small...they still talk about them fondly. We would take all the cookie dough and smush it onto a pizza pan and then cover it with toppings like choc chips/raisins/M&Ms etc etc. Maybe I should surprise my oldest with one on his 18th birthday in April. Hmm
haha!! oatmeal cookie man.
how can you eat a face as cute as that?
Your words create wonderfully vivid pictures! Thanks for making me smile. Belated happy birthday to your half-side!
- Lee
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