This is my favorite time of year in our church. As our observation of Lent, we do something called 40 Days of Faith...from now until Easter, we focus on Jesus, asking him to bless our lives in outrageous ways, fasting from things that distract or comfort us that aren't about him, and looking for fun ways to bless the people around us.
In years past, I've fasted from coffee (difficult), television (even more so), and reading (nearly impossible-imagine me for two hours at the hairdresser getting my highlights done, NOT reading...just looking out the window. I looked like I'd lost my mind...) But in the midst of the effort and embarrassment, I've seen amazing answers to prayer and even a miracle or two, which is what makes this whole thing so much fun - there's no telling what will happen.
This year, I'm fasting from computer-related distractions: blogging and blog surfing. So you won't see much of me between now and Easter Sunday. I'll miss you!!! I know that in the natural world, dropping out of the blog-sphere for over a month is a sure recipe for losing online friends. But while I'm believing for miracles anyway, I've decided to trust that these fun friendships we've developed will endure, and that Spring will bring more good news and funny observations to post about all around.
If you feel like you could use a miracle of your own, everything for the 40 Days is (or soon will be) on the website I linked to above, free for anyone to use. There's a "User's Guide to the 40 Days of Faith" you can download, and a weekly reading that goes through the book of Luke in the Bible. Ask for something big and see what happens :)
I'm off for now. Have a wonderful pre-Easter season (how's that for a bizarre exit phrase???) and I'll see you in April!
Good for you. I don't have that sort of willpower myself.
Talk to you again after Easter.
I'll miss your blog posts. But I didn't see you giving up email so I'll harrass you there!
I joined that church in Boston just as one of these seasons started. I left for Texas before I really got involved in it. I think I may tackle it this year. I think it's perfect timing in my life to finally do this.
Can't wait to hear how it went for you!
I am very impressed. I don't think I could give up one of those things at this current time in my life. Which maybe means I need to reorientate myself! See you at Easter.
Oh, my goodness! What willpower! Definitely worthy of a big miracle :) Good luck.
I'd never make it!! Can't you just give up candy? :) I'll miss you, but will definitely hang around until April.
Wow, you are very strong. Good for you. Not sure what I'm giving up.
Have a great blogging break!
Best of luck with the break--we'll see you after Easter! :)
Hope you're doing well.
I have sooo missed your posts, Trish. There just hasn't been as much humor in my life!
Hey, Trish! Since I'm assuming you'll be back within days (today's Easter), I just wanted to say welcome back! Hope you had a great Easter.
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