Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I once dated a guy whose biggest joy in life was found in the words, "Buy one, get one free." He was a doctor, so it wasn't about the money. I think it was that sense of getting something extra, of using your resources in some sort of maximal way. I wanted to be appalled (really, he was a little strange about the whole thing)...but I'm the daughter of a man whose FAVORITE CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER was a gift certificate to Goodwill (my sister's genius idea), so the truth is, I understood exactly what he meant when he'd do a little hop of glee upon seeing a BOGOF sign.

(Looking back, the hop of glee probably explains why we didn't make it as a couple...)

All that to say, today is BOGOF day here at Trish's Dishes!

My new book, A MAZE OF GRACE officially launches in one week! Amazon is shipping, and I've had friends send me pictures from all over to celebrate that it's already in bookstores--I'm caught off guard, and feel the need to celebrate this early release. So I thought I'd do a give-away inspired by my friend Ivy:

This past Sunday at church, when I went up to give Ivy a hug, she was near the bookstore holding both my books in her hand. She's the mom of a bunch of little kids, and so had never read book one. "I want to read them in order," she said. (For obvious reasons, I hugged her again.)

It occurred to me later that day that she might not be the only one who would prefer to read the whole story of my romantic & spiritual adventures, rather than jump in mid-stream. And for those of you who want to give MAZE as a gift (have I mentioned that it's PERFECT for bridal showers? Birthdays? Independence Day for the friend who just had the bad breakup and is afraid life will never work out?) the set makes it extra-special.

So here's the plan:
Buy a copy of A MAZE OF GRACE between today and the official launch date (June 22).
Send a copy of your receipt (scanned store receipts count, too) to Trishryanonline AT gmail.com. Include your mailing address (no worries...I won't use for any other purposes) and I'll send you a FREE copy of my first book, HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT.

Buy this one, get this one free :)

A behind-the-scenes admission: Authors do these sorts of giveaways because readers are so valuable. Without you--and your decision to spend $20 and a couple of hours with us--we don't have jobs. So to all of you who are buying my books, asking for them at the library, reading them, telling your friends, writing reviews on blogs or Amazon...THANK YOU. I'm incredibly, indescribably grateful.

And happy to share the BOGOF fun :)


millie kate said...

oh oh!!! I wanna play! I'm marching to Amazon.com right now!

Marie Cloutier said...

LOL I just bought your first book the other day so I guess I'll wait for the official release! Congratulations on your new book!

Paige Jennifer said...

I dated that same guy - except he was a lawyer.