Monday, December 07, 2009

What I want/what I'm afraid I'll get

Going to the eye doctor today. The super-eye doctor, an opthamologist, rather than an optometrist. (And yes, I know I spelled that first one incorrectly. But the only alternative Blogger's spell check offers is "Epidemiologist," and as lovely as folks in that line of work might be, they can't help me renew my contact lens prescription.)

Really, that's all I'm after: new contacts. The law requires a new exam every year, which is absurd; my prescription hasn't changed since law school (where my eyes were so bugged out from all that reading that they started to shut down in protest). So I hope the doctor won't be too obsessive about delving into every nook & cranny of my eyes, because medical procedures freak me out.

Help me here: on a scale of 1-5, how rude is it to say, "No thank you, I'd rather not see the 3D depiction of my eyeball on the computer...and too much discussion of how much air makes it through the contact lens makes me feel like I might hyperventilate..."?


Stacy said...

Good luck!

Curiously enough, the proper spelling of ophthalmology was the very first thing I learned in my current job. The first H just doesn't look like it belongs there . . .

xxxx said...

Ughhh, I hate all of that stuff! The eye doctor here made me come back like three times before she would give me contacts ... and then they weren't even the contacts I wanted. Here's hoping you had better luck!

PomJob said...

I don't understand why the law requires an exam every year but insurance will only cover every other years. Yay health care!

kim said...

I hate any type of medical procedure too. I had to go to the dentist the other day and made my mother not only go with me, but sit in the room while the dentist fixed my teeth. The whole doctor and anything going wrong with my health thing terrifies me. When it's time to pass, I better go in my sleep; otherwise, I'll make everyone around me miserable with my worry.

Hope you did okay with your exam. And I definitely think it's okay to say I don't want to see this or that. I do this all the time.