Just got back from an amazing weekend up in Maine with my family. The weather was gorgeous, the sun was shining through the trees, and I got to sit on a hammock in my sister's backyard with my almost-four year old niece, Glamour Girl, while she shared some of the wisdom she's accumulated in her first 47 months of life.
"I know where turkey comes from!" she told me as we swung back and forth. "It comes from turkeys! And milk comes from cows!"
"Where does baloney come from?" I asked, trying to trick her.
She looked me straight in the eye and said, "God."
So there you have it.
Hahahaha! That's fantastic.
Out of the mouths of babes!
Well, God did give pigs their snouts for a reason. It must have been so they could become mystery meat.
Did I ever tell that I have a friend (well, an acquiantance really) who wrote an entire song devoted to bologna? I really should look into getting you a CD. . .
Baloney IS God's food. Especially fried.
Works for me!
That would explain my never ending love of the stuff.
truer words...
In other news my word verification is poemoh, this is the first time I've had one that is almost a word, well not really, but it should be.
Aww... that's sweet! :)
Oh, my gosh, that is so cute! Very smart girl :)
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