This past year of blogging has made me realize that there are different types of inspiration. Some things - the egg on our car, my love of chicken decorations, my niece's certainty that baloney comes from God - make me giggle. This is blog inspiration, the stuff that has me formulating posts in my mind as I'm brushing my teeth or logging time on the treadmill. The little things that make life fun.
But there are bigger things I come across, things that make me stop for a moment (or a week) and wonder if my perspective on life might need to stretch just a bit. These things don't just make me giggle, they change me somehow, or push me into some new way of approaching whatever it is I'm here to do. Those are the things I hope to capture on this new page, because let's be honest...when we're most in need of inspiration is when it seems most difficult to find.
And as I've spent the past few weeks immersed in the business side of publishing, the other side of my brain (left? right?) is agitating for pretty things, for quality time with artistic brilliance that isn't quantifiable. It wants to read poetry (I don't want to read poetry; I'm not that patient. But my brain, it wants some couplets, a haiku, and maybe even a new take on the classic, "There once was a girl from Nantucket"). It wants to spend an hour on iTunes pulling up old Crosby, Stills & Nash songs, remembering how I used to drive around the beach trying to harmonize with "Our House" , wondering if I'd ever find real love. It wants to get TiVo so I don't ever have to miss another Mia Michaels piece on So You Think You Can Dance.
What does your brain want?
Trish, please accept my apologies for not popping by more often. I'm barely managing to juggle the writing and family these days and really wish I had more time to go blogging to other sites.
I agree with you, btw. When we need inspiration, it's never there, so when it hits us upside the head, we'd better take care to stop and appreciate it.
I just read a few posts down to get caught up and have to say I laughed out loud at the bird laying an egg -- no, YATTING -- all over your car. So funny! And I also wanted to say how cool that you guys helped those little Canadian geese across the road. From Canada, I salute yah!
I don't know how any parent lives without a DVR (you call it Tivo).
I have to say that your perspective on life is just fine. You might be light and silly on this blog most times. But I know that when I hit crisis, YOUR perspective is one of the first I call for.
And as a total harmony whore, I adore Crosby Stills & Nash (and also the incarnation with Neil Young).
My brain wants you to have Tivo, too:) I sit around most days hoping that today was the day that Steve gives in and surprises you with the lovely gift, more precious than flowers, that is Tivo....;)
I haven't watched "so you think you can dance" yet this week, but when I saw it on the list I, of course, thought of you and smiled.
I'll be paying homage to you as I watch it, and hoping that you, too, will receive the gift that keeps on giving.......:)
all our love,
My brain wants pedicures.
I can't help it. I promised myself that if my book sold I would get them and by golly I did.
I know.
It's shallow.
I tried reading Proust but it just wasn't the same.
Escapism and a giggle if possible.
My brain just wants some more vacation days, STAT!
Ooh, I can go along with the vacation days, too!
Peace and contentment, that's what my brain wants. Nothing much :)
my brain wants 3 more of me, one for writing, one for painting, one who loves to do intakes at Pampered Pets R Us (my daughter's "pet store", the intakes are agonizingly long) -- make that 4 more of me, I need one more to watch all that back-logged DVR stuff!
I went to your website (great job) and read your 'my story' and LOVE it! I am SO excited to go buy your book! It sounds like my kind of read. ;)
My brain wants CALM. I'm always trying to think of 55 things at once, and so none of them ever get their fair share of my attention. I need to slow down and make all those thoughts and problems take turns!
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