Saturday, October 27, 2007

Just like Oprah...

...This I know for sure:

If I lay out my newly washed BLACK sweater in an out-of-the-way corner of our condo to dry, THAT DOG will wait till I'm not looking, place her slightly chewed rawhide in the middle of said sweater, and then curl up on top of it all for a nap.

Is it too soon to put extra-strength lint rollers on my Christmas list?


The Dream said...

we convinced ourselves last year that getting a yellow lab (after our black lab mix died) would be a good idea - less noticeable hair around. but since i wear mostly dark colors, sunny is always with me. grrrrr ...

Angela Williams Duea said...

The same thing happens with my cats. One is black and white and the other is brown, so their hair shows up on all kinds of clothing!

Deb Cushman said...

I like black pants. I also like my bunny. The two don't mix! What to do...what to do...those extra-strength lint rollers sound pretty good!

LEstes65 said...

I'm sure you can find some place up out of her reach. Come on. You're creative!!!