So...Welcome to the Team Frog Tour Bus! As you look at this picture, that's me in the upper left corner, with THAT DOG waving from the next window. (I'm not sure who let the cat on, but here's hoping THAT DOG doesn't see it...she doesn't really understand cats; things could get awkward.) Steve is up front driving, which is good--he has a better sense of direction, which increases our likelihood of getting beyond the Cambridge city limits.
As my way of inviting you all aboard (and HUGE thanks to those of you who have been--figuratively at least--standing at a Team Frog Tour Bus stop since way back when I began this blog!) I thought I'd do a pre-publication test drive and see if a Team Frog BLOG Tour might be possible?
Here are the specifics: If you'd be interested in posting a Q&A or review of HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT on your blog in the month of May, leave a comment below. On Monday, I'll do some sort of random selection process (I wish THAT DOG had thumbs...she loves to be included...) and send out as many advance copies as I have on my dining room table. Of course, anyone who would like to post about my book without an advance copy is more than welcome, and will receive a heartfelt note of appreciation in my illegible handwritten scrawl. (You won't know what I wrote, but the love will shine through...)
Welcome to the Team Frog Tour Bus! It should be a fun ride :)
I would love to do a Q&A or a review on my blog! I mean, since you had my job before me and wrote chunks of this book from my very desk chair... and since I have written on my blog about being 30 years old and Greek and single and the daughter of parents who would practically auction her off to an audience full of eligible, gainfully employed bachelors who don't have bad armpit odor...
sweet! I'd love to do a review :) That would totally rock. :D
Ooh! Let me on the bus! I'm looking forward to seeing you on your in-person your, but I'd also love to do something up in advance at selfhelpme.net.
As I've mentioned before, Trish, my idea has always been to do one of my debut author and book "presentations." A memoir will be something different.
I would totally love to do a review!! It would definitely be so much fun, and I would love to get a sneak peek.
I want to be on the bus! Draw me, draw me!
Either way, I am really looking forward to reading it!
Well, if your demographic calls for a blogger like myself to write a review, do a Q&A, bow down to you, etc., then you let me know. 320 pages in a month is a lot of reading for me ... but, I'd be willing to give up my blog reading lunches for your book! Let me know.
I'd love to do a Q&A with you after reading the book. I'm awfully tall, so I'll sit in the back of the bus and take up two seats.
Would love to do either a Q & A or a review! For those of us who are eternally unlucky in all lotteries, when does the book officially hit stores?
Congrats on your book and self promotion! That is one of the hard parts of the publishing biz, for certain.
of all the people on the bus I look like the girl in the purple hat. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'd love to review your book!
H to the yeah!!!!!:) hahaha
I ordered an advance copy a few months ago. Should I have already gotten it? I'll have to check Amazon to see what's up with that.
Can I sit next to you on the tour bus?! I'll share a seat with THAT DOG;) I've always wanted to sit near a superstar!!
I think my six readers are from the same pool of your readers already -- don't think my promo will be worth many book sales that aren't already going to happen.
You don't have to put me in the pool for a book, but you can count on me for a sale.
I would love to host an author interview with you on my blog! So put me down for a chat! But if you don't have enough ARCs don't worry about it! I can pick up my own copy! but that may push off our chat til later in May, if that's ok!
but of course! i've been anxiously awaiting your book's release and would probably have talked about it on my blog anyway :)
my next review is going to be the book marley and me i think. that is once i've finished crying over the ending.
i'd volunteer to host an interview, but my questions would be totally lame and completely irrelevant. :) "have you ever been to the zoo? what's your favorite type of monkey?" see...it'd just be all kinds of bad. :)
i love the tour bus idea though! i do plan on reading the book, too!
I'd love to host to your illustrous self! I'd like a window seat.
Oooh! Pick me pick me pick me! (Waving hand frantically above head, jumping up and down at Frog Bus stop).
Ahem... who was THAT crazy girl?
Me! Me! Me! I'd love to do a book review and Q&A on my blog!
I would be pleased to do a q&a or a review, your choice!
I think you should choose everyone, thereby greatly expanding your potential reader base!
look at the line when told of a freebie!
um, and i'm at the back. yoohoo! see me?! here i am!
I pre-ordered my copy of your book at Amazon months ago and can't wait to get it! I'm just starting my blog so it wouldn't exactly be a big publicity stop on your tour, but I'll definitely write a review and maybe hit you up for some Q and A.
i would be honored to do a review of your new book on my blog!
i'm officially throwing my hat in the ring.
: )
I will probably write about your book whether you ask me to or not. And a large paragraph will lament how there is not one chapter about ME in the whole book. But after that, I'll really write about the book. But that's if you think it's ok to have a non-book writing, illiterate, math-loving, former physics major, programmer type, single suburban mom, wise-ass, singer reviewing your book.
Let me know.
I requested a copy from your PR person at the publisher but then found this as well. So I am putting my name in both hats!! I don't know if you have already done the selection, but I just had to try.
I can't wait to read your book! It looks so great!!
PS. I love your book recommendations on your site. I have many of the same favorites.
I just read Nilsa's review of your book and think that it sounds fabulous. I love to read and think that I could really identify with some of the things you discuss in the book. Please let me know if you would like me to be on your list of reviewers. I would be honored and would love to post a review of it on my blog following the opportunity.
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