(The Twitterverse is aflutter with tweets about the implications of the
FTC ruling regarding blog giveaways. But I have a $975,000 law degree that rarely gets put to use, so I figure I'll dust it off and persevere...But just so you know, the book below was FREE. A publicist sent it to me. But I'm blogging about it because I adore the author and think she's one of the most creatively interesting people I know. And because the book will help me hold my own in movie-based cocktail party conversation for years to come...)
Let me start with a confession: I like movies. Some quite a lot. But I don't retain lines from movies in the way that some folks do. No matter how hard I laugh or cry, the words characters say at those pivotal moments rarely sear themselves into my memory. This might be my husband's single biggest disappointment in me as a wife. I try, but it just doesn't happen.

So when I learned that
Cathleen Falsani was writing a fun book about the deep spiritual message in the Coen brothers' movies, I knew this book would be gold for me. My only recollection of
Raising Arizona is Nicholas Cage standing in front of a mobile home looking forlorn. From
O Brother Where Art Thou? I've retained only an unfortunate mental picture of George Clooney in what looked like striped pajamas. And I am mortified to admit that I've never even seen
The Big Lebowski. So in addition to its deep insights of significant spiritual insight, Cathleen's new book,
The Dude Abides: The Gospel According to the Coen Brothers is a veritable movie culture
Cliff's Notes for me.
And because Cathleen and I share a publicist, I have a copy to give to you! Here's all you have to do: Email
trishryanonline AT gmail DOT com and answer this question:
What movie that I probably haven't seen/don't remember should I double back and commit to memory?You too can be part of my cinematic education :)
Addendum: Check out this cool
article/interview with Cathleen in today's
Boston Globe.
That sounds fun!!
I wish my brain was worth almost a million dollars, it is not. Since your brain is, can you tell me if the ftc thing will only apply to blog posts after December 1st or is it retroactive?
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