Here's an embarrassing confession: I ADORE chicken decorations. I think this is hysterical, and I would put this in my kitchen in a heartbeat. (This, however, is unfathomable, even to me).
I have no idea why this is.
I've resisted the call of the chicken since Steve and I got married; he likes his poultry nicely sliced in the meat section, served up by Frank Perdue. He doesn't find chicken dish towels whimsical, nor does he find this funny in a "Gee, we should get one" kinda way.
Last week, to my husband's horror, I found what I considered the perfect answer to our "We should probably put something in the middle of the dining room table because we rarely ever eat there and it looks kind of naked" dilemma. I was shopping at Marshalls, waiting to see what bargains would jump into my arms. And low and behold, from three different shelves, came three ceramic chickens each priced at $5 (They looked kind of like this, only one of my chickens was pouting). I thought this was divine intervention - combining my love of decorative poultry with the opportunity to create fun conversations about our novel $5 chicken collection.
Steve hated it. Steve doesn't hate much, but he despised the $5 chickens at a level heretofore reserved for the New York Yankees and Boston municipal works projects. Alas, the chickens have to go - I'll return them to Marshalls this afternoon so they can find a new home where they'll be fully loved, and our dining room will once again be bird-free.
If you're looking for a new way to fill your time after you're done praying for me to be miraculously blessed with better taste, type the phrase "poultry in motion" into Google...hysterical.
Correction you don't adore chickens you adore roosters. I think the ones you chose are cute. Just tell your husband it could be worse, it could be geese with a blue bow around its neck. Seems like the only times boys care about decorating is when they hate something.
A naked dining room table, you say? Need decorations, you say? I can TOTALLY help you with that...bwahahahahaha...
Meg - back away slowly and keep your hands in the air! I may have surrendered my chickens (err, roosters...thanks Sarakastic!) but that doesn't mean there's room for an armadillo made from a gourd, a ceramic Santa with junk in the trunk, or a giant puffy angel wearing sneakers...
Remember my theme words: Graceful and Elegant. (You know, like the chicken).
You mean the chickens didn't STAY home to roost?
(My mom went through a Rooster Phase once...now she despises all chicken-oriented decor.)
It is so cool that u are writing a book. I LOVE the title!!! I am glad I found u...
I agree with sarkastic...my husband is usually ambivalent until he HATES it. Then he can't even look at it without making a face and a snide little comment.
I'm all about the holiday decorations too! I just really don't like the task of putting them away.
Sorry about your chicken bargains, Trish!
Oh, don't return them. Stick something 1,000 times tackier in the middle of the table (I'm blanking, but I mean, there's TONS of stuff), and Steve'll BEG for chickens.
It is taking EVERY ounce of will power in me to keep from having this sent directly to STEVE.
I'll be good....for NOW...
Oh and to answer your question - this picture is me in 2nd grade. So..around 1972-ish? And the polyester dress with gi-normous lapels? Oh yah - home made. Jealous?
Alright, did you see my adorable baby nephew dressed in his rooster costume I posted a couple weeks ago? That is to die for!
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