Monday, April 06, 2009

Reader's choice

I'm running out the door but will be back to post later. I have three blog-worthy items vying for priority in my head: one funny, one about a big life change, and one about the book. (They're somewhat interwoven, but that would make the longest post ever, so I'll split them up.)

Any preference for what comes first?


Stella said...

Whhaatttt??? You drop a line like "big life change" and have to ASK which to choose from? Hope its a positive change and not one of life's "road bumps". Smiles, Stella

Sarakastic said...

Big life change big life change! Does that count as two votes since I said it twice?

Jess said...

Big Life Change!

tootie said...

Ditto! Big life change!

xxxx said...

Life change! And book! Oh, all right, AND funny ... I am so no help, am I? ;)