The highlight of my weekend was getting my very first grown-up nativity scene. I've wanted one for quite awhile now, but they're not cheap. (Is it wrong for me to admit that I can't wait until next year to add the backdrop and the giant camel???) Somehow, presents for real people always pushed the ceramic replicas of the original players off the bottom of my holiday budget, leaving me pining for the days when my sister and I would try (and fail) not to touch the fragile manger scene that grew more banged up every year as Mom set it up in early December and sis and I mauled it uncontrollably all the way up until New Year's Eve. (I suspect that one frequently beheaded-then-glued wise man virtually LONGED for the shoe box he inhabited the rest of the year). The manufacturers of that set were smart - the baby Jesus was made of plastic - virtually indestructible, even as our curious little hands turned him over and tossed him about. I'm not sure we ever believed that this little wiggle of painted plastic was the hero we sang about in "Joy to the World," but it would have been a bummer to lop the head off of the Messiah.
The fine people at Willow Tree took this one step further. Our new Christmas scene casts Jesus safely within the arms of his mother, rather than in a trough/cradle. Local municipalities that frequently find their savior stolen during the holidays might consider this approach, as who would be bold/stupid enough to wrest Jesus from his mother's arms? Apparently, Jesus-nappers have formed a network of sorts, making me think they've REALLY missed the reason for the season...
In other news, I read this over the weekend, after finishing this awhile back. Check the booklog for reviews coming soon, and feel free to recommend my next great read in the comments!
I never thought about the danger baby Jesus faces when two little girls fight over the nativity set. What if Jesus simply goes missing? You'd have to get tiny binoculars and magnifying glasses for the Wise Men and the sheep so they could go out and look for clues.
You're right, Stacy. To this day, I consider it something of a miracle neither one of us swallowed him.
It's strange when you get your first grown up nativity set. I wanted to have one like my parents, but I haven't quite found one. I've had two so far - one was a hand me down, and one a present. I just put my set out on the weekend and so far it's remained intact. I don't think my girls have "discovered" it yet. :)
Am I going to hell for laughing hysterically at the Lordnapping site?
We have a teeny little Jesus in a manger who lives in a kitchen cupboard year round. He has been found unharmed in all three of our children's mouths at one point or another. Poor little Lord Jesus.
My mother once hand-painted a lovely ceramic nativity set; I was five, and I remember watching her carefully painting the lashes on Mary, adding shading to the shepherd's robes. Man do I want that set someday. ;)
PS: I love the books you've listed & reviewed! I just discovered J. Tropper-love him!! Have you read "The Book Thief" or "Water for Elephants?" I'm thinking of buying them, but I want someone to discuss them with afterwards. Also, do you like Paul Feig? (Of "Freaks & Geeks" fame.)
WHERE'S THE MANGER??? You got robbed!!!!!
I'd just like to send a big "bah" out to all the "real people" who get in the way of my ceramic buying. This is an adorable nativity scene, I've been coveting it for awhile. I'm sure the bible would ahve to say something about coveting nativity scenes, I better go look.
I love this nativity scene! Sadly, I was given one last year that is very clearly one of those things someone must have been forced into purchasing off of some friend's child as part of a school fund raiser. I am having a hard time discarding it - I mean, who tosses the holy family, you know? I think I might go get one like yours and use mine as part of the white elephant gift swap at tomorrow's small group Christmas party!
Congrats on your purchase! I got my first one last year and love it.
Our neighbor's Jesus got stolen every year, and every year they thought we took it. That is just WRONG!
On my Nativity Scene we have at home, we don't put baby Jesus out until Christmas Eve cuz he wasn't born yet! I've often wondered if other people do this or if we're just weird. Don't answer that! LOL.
That nativity scene is beautiful. I love that Willow Tree stuff. I know what you mean about wanting a "grown-up" one. Ours is currently a dinky little Eddie Walker-designed one. It feels sort of like, "Oh yeah, Jesus. Almost forgot." :)
That nativity scene is beautiful! I love that Willow Tree stuff. I know what you mean about wanting a "grown-up" one. Ours is currently a dinky little Eddie Walker-designed one. It feels sort of like, "Oh yeah, Jesus. Almost forgot." :)
Also, I just finished "The Emperor's Children," by Claire Messud and loved it. One of the best things I've read this year.
That nativity scene is beautiful! I love that Willow Tree stuff. I know what you mean about wanting a "grown-up" one. Ours is currently a dinky little Eddie Walker-designed one. It feels sort of like, "Oh yeah, Jesus. Almost forgot." :)
Also, I just finished "The Emperor's Children," by Claire Messud and loved it. One of the best things I've read this year.
That nativity scene is beautiful! I love that Willow Tree stuff. I know what you mean about wanting a "grown-up" one. Ours is currently a dinky little Eddie Walker-designed one. It feels sort of like, "Oh yeah, Jesus. Almost forgot." :)
Also, I just finished "The Emperor's Children," by Claire Messud and loved it. One of the best things I've read this year.
Arrrggghhh!!! I sincerely apologize for the multiple posts. Blogger is impossible today!
I have the Willow Tree set, too, and I LOVE it! It's my favorite thing to put out every year.
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